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该研究团队基于近20年的长期研究,在草地放牧生态领域不断获得系列突破性成果。近5年在本领域国际权威期刊-Ecology(2014),Journal of Ecology(2018,2019), Journal of Applied Ecology (2015,2016,2018), Journal of Animal Ecology(2018), Proceedings of Royal Society B (2017,2018), Ecological Application(2017), Soil Biology and Biochemistry(2017),Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (2015,2019) 等发表有关草地放牧管理与利用的研究论文,在本领域产生显著影响,获得国内外同行的积极评价。

特别是在2018年,基于我国东北松嫩草地的长期放牧试验研究,针对放牧生态学的前沿与热点问题,获得对“多样化家畜放牧对生态系统多功能性作用及调控”问题的认知突破。该研究首次发现,多样化家畜放牧管理(即包含牛羊等多种家畜的混合放牧方式)能够提高草地生物多样性,进而促进草地生态系统的多功能性;这种多样化家畜放牧管理方式将大大提高自然生态系统为人类提供的潜在利益;同时进一步研究证明:在受到放牧家畜强烈干扰的草地生态系统中,保护草地多营养级的生物多样性,即保护包含地上植物、昆虫、以及地下土壤微生物和线虫的生态系统多样性,对维持生态系统多功能具有十分重要的意义。该项研究论文以王岭为第一作者,王德利为通讯作者,刘鞠善、朱慧、钟志伟等为共同作者,于2019年3月,被《美国科学院院报》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, PNAS)接受发表。



As the global human population continues to grow, and as per capita consumption of meat and dairy products continues to increase, livestock grazing will place unprecedented pressures on grasslands worldwide, especially in developing countries. In China, 90% of the grasslands have been degraded to varying degrees due to long-term extensive grazing management. Grazing management with the goal of Production-Ecology win-win has become a major challenge and key issue in grassland research in China. However, grazing management research on grassland has been focused on the control of grazing intensity (livestock quantity), and little consideration has been given to the control of specific species and diversity of grazing livestock. The newest study from a five-year field manipulated grazing experiment including livestock grazing by single species (cattle or sheep) and mixed species (sheep and cattle) in Northern China found that grazing management by livestock diversification can substantially increase ecosystem multifunctionality by increasing multidiversity. This study also provides insights into the importance of multitrophic diversity to maintain ecosystem multifunctionality in highly managed grassland ecosystems. This important finding undoubtedly will help manager more efficiently manage grasslands thereby improve nature’s benefits to people.


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